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Main » Photo album » Lacquerware Items » Item-1202


-Item -1202
-Offering Vessel ,hsun ok
-Burma ,Laihka,Shan States,Early 20 th Century
-Made of bamboo ,lacquer
-This vessel ,also from the Shan region, shares a similar shape with the previous exmaple but

has a different decorative scheme
-The decoration includes a series of sharp ridges at the top at the lid below the finial knob of

turned wood ,and then,on the upper surface of the lid ,a band of yun in black and silver ( now

tarnished ).Broader bands of yun decoration ,gilt and silvered,embellish the lower part of the lid

and the bowl itself .Around the waist of the stem are two bands of low relief made of moulded

thayo.The lower band is of stylized stars or flower heads ,while the upper band simulates the

little turned wood pillars or balustrades which in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries used

to support the tray top of gift stands.
-Height :56 cm
-Diameter : 28 cm
-Please e-mail us for Prices ,Shipping and organization
In real size 1287x1600 / 135.7Kb
183 0 0.0

Added 04.01.2013 Kan

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